Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tadarus Al-Quran Has Taken Off!

Salam to all,
Alhamdulillah, it is our pleasure to inform you that the Tadarus Al-Quran program has taken it's first step yesterday and it will keep going for the rest of the weekdays.

There were some difficulties faced yesterday. For the women, some had a hard time in finding the venue. To make it easier, we'll put signs in the library to lead you to the location of the program.

The venue for the women's halaqah is in the Children's Library, on the second level, above the first level, above the ground floor. As you all know, there are two staircases that lead to the next floor. For the ones leading up to the second floor, take the one on right. The Children's Library is the end of that side.

For the men, there might be a change in venue. It gets to crowded after Zohor prayer. However, we will still meet at the Men's Surau in block U.

Please do come. Don't be ashamed that you are not able to read so smoothly, we're here to help. In fact, one of the aims of this program is to improve your reading. And again, it is open to EVERYONE. Even INTEC students. Do inform your friends.


Anonymous said...

It seems that people are scared by the fact that they aren't pretty well-versed in reading it..

what to do?

Unknown said...

That's quite true, but again, this program is not to show off how fluent we can read the quran, It's to do amal ibadah together..

If you're not so fluent, this is your chance to improve..

Not everyone who comes are fluent.. We're all here to learn..

Anonymous said...

Yup! agree with Naz..

I'm looking forward to come and join..

But have to wait a few more days first..

Ngee~ :D